Main Product and Five Stars of the Company; It is made manually with pine wood extracted from the forests of our country, by means of different sawmills of timber authorized to exploit zones of forest metadata by the Authorities of the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF). These traps are manufactured with galvanized nail and pressure treated wood, in an Industrial Key Industrial to ensure its durability and resistance. They also carry a 4 “cement mix on both ends to ensure it will submerge and fulfill its lobster catching function
It mainly refers to a product of export to countries like Nicaragua and Jamaica, where they look for to reduce costs, and to generate employment. The pots are only shipped either directly from packaged cured wood or from ready-assembled Sami Parts.
This is a specialized and technical service that includes the impregnation of the wood with chemical CCA, to ensure its durability. It acts as a fungicide and helps to give more resistance to wood in terms of weathering or immersion in salt water. The process is carried out in an industrial plant with automated mechanisms, vacuum and pressure pumps, storage tanks and control valves.